I was presenting at a local businesswomen’s networking event this week and I asked the ladies in the room to take part in an exercise: to define their top three core values. They found it hard: really hard. To try to define everything you stand for, and do, in just three words, is hard.

Try it for yourself. Identify your top three core values.  These are most probably one or maybe two words each – words that really resonate with you. Values that you feel you and your brand stand for above all else. Values that if you were to be cut in half, you would have running through you like a stick of rock.

To get you started, I’ll share mine here:

authentic ~ creative ~ empowering

Authentic – wherever you encounter me, be it in person, on Facebook or at the top of a fell, I’m the same Sam. I don’t have a different business persona to my personal one.  What you see is what you get with me, no matter the media in which you engage with me.

Creative – in thinking and problem-solving. I’m really good at being able to see the bigger picture to a challenge, then looking for innovative and inventive ways to tackle it.

Empowering – it’s my mantra. I just love helping someone when I know I can make a difference. I’m often asked why I offer a free marketing planning call and it’s because sometimes just a different perspective is all that’s needed to solve a problem they have had for many years. I love that feeling that someone has shifted their thinking because of a conversation we’ve had.


Enough about mine – what are yours?

You may not be able to come up with the best three the first time you try this.  Don’t worry; just make a list of all the words you think represent you and your brand. Here’s my initial list:


















Skillful and skilled






Although I like every one of these, authentic, creative and empowering really stood out for me. Maybe you see some other words that mean something to you in this list?


Ok, I have my 3 core values – now what?

Go to your website, your marketing materials, and your social media presence. Look at them all very, very carefully. And ask yourself the $64,000 question – do they reflect and portray your core values?

Everything you are and do, from the way you dress and present yourself, to the images and information on your website, right through each and every social media update, picture, blog and comment, all must have your core values running through them like a stick of rock. Some agents do this really well.


Over to you

Identifying your core values is such an important part of your personal and professional brand image.  It’s what separates the super-successful businesses from the also-rans.

Which would you rather be?

If you’d like some help identifying your core values, and assessing their presence in your online persona, I’d like to offer you a free 30 minute phone call with me.

Just click here to answer some short questions about your business and we’ll arrange to have a chat very soon.

I’ll look forward to hearing from you :o)

What to read next: Do you Have a Triple A Team? Attitude, Aptitude, Appearance makes for the perfect team

What to do next: Do you get my Supertips? They’re jam-packed full of great tips and marketing strategies just like this one, and best still – they’re free! Get yours here -> www.samashdown.co.uk/samsupertips

Speak to Sam: If you’d like to know how I think you could improve your marketing, just answer a few short questions here and I’ll tell you if and how you could be more effective.