Even if you didn’t enter, you may have noticed the Times Estate Agent of the Year Awards took place on the 5th December.  I was there too, supporting some of my fantastic agent clients, and we were all thrilled to collect a suite of awards, including two GOLDs.


Why enter The Times?

Entering the Times Awards is not for the faint-hearted! It takes time and effort, and a big dollop of faith.  After all, it’s not a case of simply writing the submission in time for the deadline in October.  The whole process starts much earlier, as you uplevel your business in every way possible, so that it is good enough to describe in your submission.

The benefits of winning a Times Award are huge! It can be very lucrative to win such a prestigious award can be for business.  My winning clients have enjoyed some big wins after winning, including:

Won a brand new instruction the day after posting on Facebook a photo of him winning his award, and that vendor only invited his company to give an MA – none of his competitors!

  •  Raised raised his minimum fee from 1.5% to 2%, in an area where 1% is the norm – quite an achievement.
  •  Has had a flood of quality applicants wanting to work for them, without any recruitment advertising.
  •  Now ranked number 1 in his area, way above his very aggressive competitors including Foxtons,and charging half a percent higher than almost all of them.
  •  Had several offers to buy him out from some big players in his area.
  •  Seen his pipeline increase ten fold since winning his award.

All of my clients without exception have said that the actual process of entering, has challenged them to take their businesses to the next level.  Even without an award at the end of the process, it has meant that they have implemented new innovations, ideas and initiatives that would never have happened had they not chosen to enter.  The award for them is simply the icing on the cake – the proof that their efforts have been recognised.


Should I enter?

Let me ask you these questions:

  •  Are you prepared to scrutinise every detail of your business, and look for ways to improve it?
  •  Do you value the happiness of those who work for you above all else?
  •  Do you have the courage to implement new ideas and experiment to see what works?
  •  Are you prepared to challenge your preconceptions of differentiation and creative innovation, and remain open-minded throughout?
  •  Are you on a mission to create something bigger than you?

If you can answer yes to all these questions, then YES! You are, and you have a better chance of success than the vast majority of agents who enter.


Could you win a GOLD award in 2015?

I offer a ten month Awards Coaching Programme for the right agents.  This starts in January and ends with your submission in October.

There are over seventy categories, but I’m only opening a few spots for the 2015 awards, and 70% have already been reserved.  If you’d like to be considered for this unique Programme, just send me an email to sam@home-truths.co.uk and I’ll let you know if your category is still available.  We can then have a phone conversation to make sure you are a good fit for the Programme.   If you are, I’ll share with you the terms and conditions and the Programme investment.

PS Remember that by embarking on the Programme, you lock out your category for any of your competitors, so get in touch with me before they do!

What to read next: Know it all, yet?

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Speak to Sam: If you’d like to know how I think you could improve your marketing, just answer a few short questions here and I’ll tell you if and how you could be more effective.

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